Someday is a busy day. It’s the day when I will finally write that book, move to my favorite beach, learn to speak another language, paint the hallway, or any of at least a handful of other things. I find I do an awful lot of scheduling things for someday.
What’s your someday schedule look like?
Here’s the thing about someday—it’s not a day of the week. It’s not even a day of the month or the year. It’s ambivalent. It’s non-committal. And it’s likely never going to happen.
Someday is the shelf at the back of the closet where you shove things just in case you ever need them, but mostly, you just want them out of the way. It’s the junk drawer in the kitchen where we toss things we don’t know what to do with, but want to have handy just in case. We don’t want to throw it away, but we don’t want to use it right now—maybe never. But ya just never know. It’s your rainy day dream account, and it’s time to stop banking on it.
Someday is a seed. The seed of a thought, an idea, a dream, or a goal. It doesn’t grow because we just keep tossing it aside for someday.
But what if….
What if we didn’t toss it aside? Maybe what we need to do is sort through our seeds and choose at least one that is viable. We could plant that seed, tend to it daily, provide it with the loving care and nutrients it needs to grow into reality.
I mention serendipity a lot on this blog, and it is a wondrous phenomenon, but it can’t work its magic out of nothingness. The opportunity needs to exist, and it’s up to us to keep that ball rolling along and the doors and windows open to welcome it in. Serendipity is the occurrence of fortunate accidental discoveries—if you’re not looking for anything at all, you’ll find nothing at all, accidental or otherwise.
Every journey begins with a single step, but you’ll never finish if you don’t start. —Unknown
Make someday start today.
What are the conditions you’ve set that determine when someday will arrive? When the kids are grown? When the mortgage is paid off? When the time is right? When the funds are available? When the stars in the sky align just so? Listen, I’m the queen of self-limitation—I’ve used all of those and then some.
But the truth is, there is absolutely no reason that someday can’t start today. Serendipity or not, nothing is going to just drop out of thin air into our laps and change our entire lives. We need to put in the work and create the opportunities.
Choose a seed.
Plant the seed.
Nourish the seed.
Allow each supportive action to bring you closer to making someday happen. Dreams and goals are good. They’re what keep us moving along in our journeys and help give us motivation to keep living—not just breathing and going through the motions, but truly living. They don’t belong on shelves or in drawers.
I have decided it’s time to work on closing out my someday account. I don’t want to just keep toying with things that could be; I want to turn them into things that are. And I know it’s not going to be easy, and it will definitely require hard work, commitment, and maybe even some sacrifice along the way, but I know in my heart that it will be worth it!
So, I ask you again, what’s your someday schedule look like? What can you start on today that will help get you there?
Best to all,