A Serendipitous Life

More than anything, life is learning experience. Every moment of every day we are surrounded by opportunities for learning and growth. Too often, we not only fail to recognize or appreciate those opportunities but fail to see the lesson within them as well.

When we do take advantage of them, we very quickly come to find that from one instance to the next we are continually evolving. I am not the same person I was ten years ago, nor am I the same person I was a week ago, or even yesterday in some cases. I’ll wager that neither are you.

Every experience, every new thing learned, every alternative viewpoint considered, and every trip down the proverbial rabbit hole alters us in some fashion or another.

definition of serendipity

I chose to name this blog Seranndipity, as a play on “serendipity” combined with my name, Ann. Though I’d been going by the same screen name online since back in the days of AOL and dial-up internet. So, that’s a really long time!

So what then exactly is “serendipity”? Traditionally, it’s sort of stumbling upon a happy accident. Some may refer to it as dumb luck, though I believe that’s an oversimplification.

The frequency of serendipitous events is likely to be increased by keen senses of perception and intuition, as well as by actively searching. It’s rather difficult to accidentally find something you weren’t looking for if you weren’t looking for anything at all to begin with. That sounds a bit circular, but it makes sense.

I am a question-asker and I am a answer-seeker. I am a creative and I like to consider myself fairly smart overall. My mind works in some crazy shapes, drawing connections that might make no sense to some and perfect sense to others, but which all embody the spirit of serendipity. It leads me on paths I may have never thought to go, or had not even known existed. In doing so, it leads me to my serendipity.

And with that, a deeper appreciation for some of the most beautiful aspects of humanity: the abilities to question, to process via higher order thinking, and to learn and adapt based upon those actions.

Oh, and it’s just a really awesome word too! 😉

How about you? What moments of serendipity have you experienced? Do you think it’s just luck, or is there more to it?

Best to all,

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