A Dream is but a Dream, Until We Take Action Upon It

What are your dreams? Your goals? When you sit back and imagine your life in, say, five years’ time, ten years’ time, or even one years’ time, what do you see? Where do you see yourself? What are you doing?

Life has a funny way of beating us down and sucking the hopes and dreams right out of our very souls. It’s so easy to get caught up in the race, and before long, we lose sight of our own dreams and goals because we’re much too busy keeping up with the rest of the world. Buying the newest gadgets, trying to one-up Mr. or Mrs. Jones down the block, constantly chasing bigger, better, faster, newer and never being quite satisfied with what we have.

We put off the things we’ve dreamt about doing and tuck them away in the back of our minds. Maybe because there are more pressing matters to attend to, or maybe because we think it will take too long or isn’t realistically attainable. Some of that may be rooted in reality, but let’s face it, some of it is little more than justification and rationalization to compensate for the simple fact that we chose to put them aside for other more immediate gains.

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." - Earl Nightingale
“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” – Earl Nightingale

How many of us spend countless hours mindlessly scrolling social media feeds, matching gems or crushing candies, dream shopping online, or any of a million other essentially non-productive activities? I know I’m guilty of it!

Just think how much closer to that dream or goal you would be had you opted instead to dedicate any regular portion of that very same time to making it happen. That’s exactly the challenge I’m putting out for myself, and for you as well.

Take 30 minutes, one hour, or whatever amount of time you’re comfortable with and instead of picking up that phone, opening up that game, or losing yourself to whatever mindless habit is your crutch, devote it to an activity that supports your goals and dreams.

If, like me, that’s writing, then spend that time writing. If it’s learning a new language or new skill of some kind, there’s no better time to start than today. It doesn’t need to consume your every moment, just give it some time of its own so you can both grow together. The most important part, getting started!

The second most important part, keeping at it! Let it become part of your regular routine, as natural as the activity it’s replacing. Don’t do it for a day or two and then give up. Believe in the process.

Scientific studies indicate that it takes an average of 66 days for something to become a habit–somewhere in the range of 8-12 weeks for most. Don’t shortchange yourself, but also, don’t set your initial goal(s) too high either. It’s much easier to work towards smaller mini-goals that serve as rungs on the ladder leading to the ultimate goal, and it offers more opportunities to celebrate personal victories along the way while also building confidence.

Think about what you want to be doing or where you want to be. Break it down and identify what steps would help get you there. Then start at step one and just keep on going!

So that’s where I’m at: time to turn off life’s auto-pilot and take control. Where are you at?

Best to all,

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